A paradigm is a coherent system of models and theories within which reality is described. In other words, it is the way we experience reality. And everyone experiences this in their own way. This does not mean that our view of reality never changes. On the contrary: through new insights, research, models and theories, a new paradigm can be created. For example, Galileo Galilei created a new paradigm with his theory that the sun does not revolve around the earth, but the other way around; a new paradigm! This is called a paradigm shift, or revolution in science.

Why "paraDIGMA"?
Inspired by this thought, the brand paraDIGMA groep was created; the umbrella organization of a group of collaborating labels, committed to all sub-areas of Sustainable Employability. DIGMA stands for Sustainable Employability& Health Management. para stands for the cohesion in this.
A paraDIGMA shift
In everyday life, paradigms play a major role in how we see the world, how we judge situations and how we deal with them. This may not always lead to success. Maybe your paradigm is wrong. To be successful there is in our eyes only one advice: Dare tochange! In other words, a paraDIGMA shift. We support employers, managers and employees in this and dare to commit to results!
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