From Advisor to Labor Expert: Wout Boots takes advantage of advancement opportunities at paraDIGMA groep
Wout started five years ago as Labor and Health Advisor at De Arbodienst. A position that Wout enjoys because of the interaction with clients. He has great affinity with advising on individual cases and thinking along on a strategic level. Wout: "You are seen by all the professionals in the process as someone who comes to help." When Wout takes an internal course on the FML and how labor experts apply it, a previous ambition of Wout's is addressed: he would like to become a labor expert. And he will become one!
Why the switch?
Says Wout, "An advantage of labor expert research over consulting work is that it has a clear structure from start to finish. The work of an employment expert challenges one to constantly think about appropriate advice in very different situations."
Wout meets with Puls to discuss his ambitions and takes the first step toward his new career. He passes the entrance examination with flying colors and starts training in January 2023.
Getting started as an Employment Specialist
Wout will be included in the Pulse team of labor experts in training during his training. "Here I get the chance to walk along with experienced labor experts. A nice and valuable way to learn in practice, in addition to the theoretical lessons at the training. After some time, I started performing labor expert examinations myself, which I do once or twice a week. Here I get good guidance: I discuss the case in advance with my supervisor, discuss the conclusions after the interview and then start reporting. Accurate feedback is given on the reports." Through this approach, Wout has now completed 20 employment investigations! Clients report being happy with his advice. Soon Wout will start working completely independently. He will then own a full caseload.
Wout is proud to have mastered the profession of labor expert within 1.5 years. Of course, his background as an Occupational Health and Safety Advisor and experience with absenteeism helps. "Although I haven't had much experience with reporting in previous positions, I appear to have a knack for it AND enjoy it. This is important, since reporting is a substantial part of the profession."
Getting started as an Employment Specialist
The labor expert branch of Puls employs 46 registered labor experts. 2 years ago Puls, under the leadership of Leon Millenaar, started to supervise labor experts in training in such a way that they can develop into full-fledged labor experts. Besides Leon, Lies Panman and Marit Schippers are involved in the guidance. Meanwhile, 4 labor experts have successfully completed the training and are also working as labor experts. In May 2024, 5 will go for the final assessment and 6 candidates have already started the training.
By offering colleagues at paraDIGMA groep at Puls the opportunity to advance to the position of labor expert, we at paraDIGMA groep contribute to the sustainable employability of our colleagues and we are proud of that!
Wout has since been told that he has passed the course and is currently employed as an Employment Specialist.

Come work for paraDIGMA groep and help us make a difference in the field of Sustainable Employability!
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