Anders Denken Podcast #8 with Jan de Graaf

More and more older employees are struggling to reach retirement age. In 2023, the state pension age will rise by 3 months and reach 67 in 2024. The bottom line is that there is a greater need to work less at a later age. Within your organization, have you already thought about the sustainable employability of your older employees? Given the increased retirement age, unions are pushing for agreements that give older employees the opportunity to retire healthy, or the generation pact. A pact where older employees will work less and younger ones get a chance to fill it. How does the generation pact work and how can you fill this gap not only financially but also in availability?

Jan de Graaf, working for Algemene Werkgeversvereniging Nederland (AWVN), talks about his experiences, positive and negative, regarding the generation pact. What is the purpose of the pact and is it mandatory?

"Of course, in principle, older people can already apply to work part-time or part-time now. Only, of course, that has income effects. And what is a typical feature of the generation pact? That when it comes to the income effects it is almost, if not always, divided fairly between employer and employee. Thereby you can let the young people fill this gap and give them a chance as well!" - Jan de Graaf

Every last Thursday of the month you can listen to a new episode of the Anders Denken Podcast. With this podcast we want to stimulate, inform and inspire in the field of Sustainable Employability.

Anders Denken Podcast #8

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