The development of talent

Where will talent be in 5 years? What role will the CV play in that? What role will 21st century skills play? And how do you retain this new talent? In our latest Anders Denken Podcast, Stella van der Sluis, of Lead Your Future, answers.

Stella van der Sluis is founder of Lead Your Future: a talent platform that went live in January 2020 and already connects more than 500 ambitious young women with business and role models. 'We give female students relevant tips and tricks and provide the necessary motivation, support and inspiration.'

CV versus Talent

According to Van der Sluis, something is going badly wrong in "the war on talent. 'Companies stare blindly at CVs, at papers instead of people. That while such a CV is often far too modest and not at all in line with who someone is and what they bring to the table. Who are you as a person? How do you solve problems? And where does your (un)discovered talent lie? I want answers to these questions, because only then do I understand who you are and how you move in a group.'

To identify that, Van der Sluis asks its candidates about their experiences and roles played in completed projects. We identify these competencies and match them with vacancies. Only then do you get really good matches.


According to Van der Sluis, therefore, there is no shortage of talent at all, but a mismatch between that talent and companies. 'Companies stare blindly at failing CVs and young talent is not attracted to companies' outdated (social) communication channels. That really needs to change now.'

21st century skills

Also of interest: companies are looking for talent with 21st century skills that young people do not practice - or do not practice enough - in school. Think digital skills, project management and innovation management. That's why Van der Sluis offers additional training in that area. 'Is a young woman naturally good at project management? Then we train her in that. That gives her extra tools to get off to a flying start!'

  • Want to learn more about 21st century skills? Listen to the Different Thinking Podcast!

Build communities

Is there a match between a company and a young talent? Then the next thing is to keep that talent within the company. That can be challenging, says Van der Sluis. This generation wants to belong somewhere and make itself useful. That is why it is extra important to involve this talent by building communities within companies. For example, do generation management and let young people learn from those at the end of their careers. That way you offer young people a flying start and older people feel appreciated.'

  • Want to learn more about recognizing and bringing in talent? Listen to the Different Thinking Podcast!

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