Social Security

The importance of social security within strategic HR

Het belang van sociale zekerheid

How much security an employee experiences greatly affects how he or she behaves within the organization. A certain amount of social security is provided from the government. But what can strategic HR do in this and what does it do to sustainable employability of employees?

What is social security?

There is a social security system in the Netherlands. Everyone who pays taxes contributes to it and it is used to help people or families, who due to certain circumstances get into financial problems. For example, when they receive temporarily (or permanently) no or insufficient income. This may be due to unemployment, disability, illness or retirement. The system is based on togetherness and solidarity: people with a high income contribute more to the system than if someone has a low income.

What does social security system consist of?

The social security system consists of two parts: social services and social insurance. Social security benefits are funded from the government. Social insurance is divided into popular and employee benefits. On this second component, an employer can provide additional security and the importance of setting it up also comes to the fore.

paraDIGMA groep - social security

Right to social security

Who is entitled to compensation from the social welfare system depends on the component. For example, the Participation Act is part of the social provision. This law supports anyone who can work but needs support in doing so. Employee insurance is for everyone who is employed.

Employee Insurance

These are insurance policies designed for, as the name implies, employees. They are offered by the employer and when an employee chooses to participate in them, these costs are deducted from wages. Insurances that may be offered by employers are: the WIA, WAO, WW and ZW.

As with any other insurance, an employee hopes not to have to use it. Still, it is nice to have a safety net for unexpected situations for the employee should things turn out differently. By taking out these insurances collectively, the employer can often make a good deal with the insurer. This often saves the employee money. It may also be that the employer contributes to this, so the amount accrued is often higher or the cost to an employee is lower. In addition, it shows confidence in an employee. The employee can focus on the work and his or her personal development and does not have to worry about possibly becoming disabled and the consequences.

Learn more about workers' compensation insurance

Want to learn more about the various insurance policies you can offer your employees? Then contact paraDIGMA groep. Offer your employees the security they need to focus on work.


Learn more about social security as the basis of sustainable employability and what it means for your employees in one of our articles.


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