Anders Denken Podcast #3 with Bregje Spijkerman
The term "hybrid working" flies around your ears and has become indispensable. Nothing new really, but in recent years it has taken off. Bregje Spijkerman, owner of TeamTalk and author of the books 'Navigate your team to success' and 'Hybrid Teams' talks about this with our host Cis Hageman during the Anders Denken Podcast of paraDIGMA groep.
Is hybrid working just part of the new way of working or THE new way of working? In any case, what it is not is 100% working from home. It is a combination of working from home, working on location and working in the office, which is not for everyone.
What is the importance of hybrid working? How do you create a strong team, what are the pros and cons for organizations and managers, and how important is the manager? Bregje and Cis highlight these topics and look for the optimal balance between the office and home.
Every last Thursday of the month you can listen to a new episode of The Anders Denken Podcast. With this podcast we want to stimulate, inform and inspire in the field of Sustainable Employability.
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