Sustainable employability within education
Sustainable employability within education

Sustainable employability in education

Sustainable employability within education is important for keeping teachers motivated. This is because the industry is under pressure due to an increasingly aging workforce. Due to the workload within education, there is a high percentage of teacher attrition. It is therefore important to work on sustainable employability in education, so that every teacher enjoys standing in front of the classroom and can continue to do so.

For education, you can divide sustainable employability into three parts. There are the starting teachers, the already teaching staff and the staff aged 57 and over. There are also differences for primary and secondary education.

Employability scheme within education

To keep dropout rates in education as low as possible, there is the employability scheme. This scheme ensures that employees can invest in lifelong development. For example, the hours can be used to take courses and training.

The goal is for employees to become permanently employable. By giving employees more space to learn certain actions, they will feel more appreciated. In addition, it is also possible to use the employability scheme for physical hours by contributing to a gym subscription, for example. After all, it is very important to ensure that employees have fun, even after working hours.

Implementing sustainable employability

To implement sustainable employability in education, paraDIGMA can provide support. Whether it is a solution for absenteeism, vitality policy, strategic personnel policy or other issues, everything revolves around people. Our approach is very personal and fine for everyone in his or her own way.

We act from an integral approach. Together with you, we work on the health, involvement and development of your employees. This will result in more job satisfaction, less absenteeism and higher sustainable labor productivity. For now and in the future.

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