Anders Denken Podcast #9 with Rens van der Vorst

Do you ever think about the impact of technology on your life? Does it improve daily tasks or does it lose more than it adds? Is apping the new smoking, and is e-mail really as convenient as we all think?

Rens van der Vorst, technophilosopher, lecturer and researcher at Fontys University of Applied Sciences, talks to our host Cis Hageman about the pros and cons of technology and the philosophy behind the choices we make in it. Does technology enable us to have a (more efficient) solution for everything?

Technology has several sides. You can meet people worldwide, maintain contacts and keep up to date with the latest developments. But by now we know that the impact of social media, for example, can also be negative. Algorithms can give a very personal view of the world, which is different for each person. So there are some technologies that really objectively do not make the world a better place. Microsoft Teams, Tikkie or Buienradar, on the other hand, has made our lives a little easier.

Rens states the most important rule: "Every time technology introduces something, something is also lost. You can cite very simple examples. With the cell phone we have the world at our feet. That connection comes with it, but the connection with your fellow travelers is lost a bit. With Microsoft Teams you gain on travel time, which is a huge plus. At the same time, the downside is that you no longer have real contact and can look people in the eye. That, in turn, is lost.

The same is true for organizations. Thirty years ago, we thought e-mail was a fantastic solution, because we used to have to type and mail letters. This is going to save us an awful lot of time. But today you never meet anyone who says ah e-mail, that saves me so much time! It just takes time."

Curious about the views of technophilosopher Rens van der Vors

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