Sustainable employability construction
Sustainable employability construction

Sustainable employability in construction

Sustainable employability in construction is about retaining employees in the construction industry. Retaining these employees is about creating a healthy and happy work environment. This allows employees to work competently until retirement.

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The importance of sustainable employability in construction

Due to the heavy and strenuous work performed in the construction industry, there is a greater likelihood of early dropout. In addition, there is an aging workforce. Investing in sustainable employability increases the ability to maintain the employability of older employees.

Promoting sustainable employability in construction

There are many different ways to promote sustainable employability in construction. Some key tips include:

  • Focus on prevention: prevention is the most important thing to prevent absenteeism and disability. Employers can provide preventive measures by creating good working conditions and teaching employees how to work healthily and safely.
  • Provide opportunities for development: workers who can develop stay motivated and competent longer. For example, employers can offer training and education. They can also give employees the opportunity to take on new tasks and responsibilities.
  • Make employees feel engaged: employees who feel valued and involved are more motivated to stay at work. You can foster a sense of commitment by involving employees in decision-making and giving them the opportunity to contribute new ideas.

Individual sustainable employability budget in construction

Since 2016, an individual budget has been available for construction employees. This budget can be spent on leave, money or a combination of both.

The individual budget includes three components:

  1. Sustainable employability: this part of the budget can be spent on things that contribute to the employee's health and motivation, such as training, courses or coaching.
  2. Days: this section consists of the above-legal vacations, short leave and roster-free days.
  3. Vacation allowance: the employee is entitled to 8% vacation allowance of the agreed wage or salary.

The employee can decide how to spend the individual budget.

Promoting sustainable employability in construction

There are several initiatives to promote sustainable employability in the construction industry. One of these is the Collective Labor Agreement for Construction & Infra, where various agreements have been made that relate back to sustainable employability within the sector. Despite these initiatives, implementation can be difficult. paraDIGMA is happy to help with this. Due to our broad knowledge of implementing sustainable employability in various sectors, we can also help within the construction industry.

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