

About Pulse

Puls specializes in employment studies, reintegration and mobility. Together with the employee, the professionals look at "what can still be done?" in order to choose a path that suits the employee.

Everyone who wants to work should be able to work. The goal of Puls is to let the employee discover which path best suits him or her, so that he or she is permanently employable. In doing so, we do not think in limitations, but only in possibilities! If it is necessary to deviate from the previously chosen career path, for example due to (partial) disability, but also if someone is developing further, we provide advice and guidance that is characterized by customization, empathy, personal involvement, concrete agreements and clear advice. We allow both employer and employee to look differently at people and work, making opportunities visible and feasible.

Services Pulse

Employment research - Supplementary employment research - Sustainable Employability Research - Wage value research - Social domain research - Outplacement - Job coaching - Jobhunting - Career MOT - Track 2 - WIA trajectory - Reintegration mediation WGA - Sickness Law Flex guidance - UWV to work - Making UWV WerkFit

More about Pulse

The labor experts at Puls would be happy to meet with you and tell you more!

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