This is the effect of digitization on sustainable employability

It's really true, we live in a digital age. Everything you need within an instant at your fingertips. Not only privately, but also in the workplace, digitalization is growing stronger than ever. It is also sometimes said that "everything used to be better" with reference to the time before our eyes were glued to cell phones and TVs. But is that true? Here are five effects of digitization on sustainable employability.

5 effects of digitization on sustainable employability

  1. Skills gap and need for continuing education

Rapid digitization brings with it new technologies and tools. And with the pace of change, it can lead to a skills gap among employees. This means that current skills no longer match the requirements of the job. To keep meeting job requirements and remain sustainably employable, continuous education and training is needed.

  1. Flexibility and remote working thanks to digitization

digitization makes flexible or remote working possible and easier for many functions. With a laptop and online tools such as Zoom and Teams, many positions no longer require employees to work in the office. This gives employees the opportunity to find a better work-life balance and thus increase their sustainable employability.

  1. Change in roles and responsibilities

Digitization and the addition of machines and applications has changed the job responsibilities of many employees. Routine tasks are mostly automated and employees are given other tasks such as controlling the process.

  1. Health and wellness

The advent of digital devices also affects the physical and mental health of employees. Being "always on" or "FOMO" can cause a lot of stress and put mental health at risk. In addition, many occupations have become sedentary jobs, which in turn affects physical health. To continue to improve the sustainable employability of employees, employers can implement various initiatives to promote employee health and well-being. These include ergonomic workstations, regular (shared) breaks and time and stress management training. Preventive engagement of professionals such as a psychologist or vitality consultant can also benefit.

  1. Digital communication

No matter how far apart colleagues are (literally and figuratively), digitalization no longer gives them a reason not to interact. This provides opportunities to increase the productivity of employees and teams, but also presents challenges. After all, this kind of collaboration requires effective digital communication skills. But when employees master it, digital communication contributes to better collaboration, higher productivity and improved sustainable employability.

Go for a sustainably employable organization with paraDIGMA groep

Digitization has a major impact on the sustainable employability of your employees and the future-proofing of your organization. A preventive approach focused on a healthy Organizational culture and personal leadership contributes to this in the short and long term. Contact paraDIGMA groep for tailored advice.

paraDIGMA groep - Dit is het effect van digitalisering op duurzame inzetbaarheid

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