FAQ shareholder change paraDIGMA groep

Who will be the new shareholder of paraDIGMA groep?

The new shareholder is Castik, a German organization similar to Mentha. Based in Munich, Castik is a shareholder of European companies in a variety of sectors. Their goal is to create market leaders by becoming shareholders of companies that are growing fast organically, where there are opportunities for acquisitions and where digitalization can play a nice role in further growth.

Why does Castik choose paraDIGMA groep?

Castik sees the importance of good occupational health care and certainly the shift from a curative to preventive approach. In doing so, they underscore the vision of paraDIGMA groep. They are impressed by the growth in recent years and the way our vision is rooted in the organization, and how it is propagated to the outside world by paraDIGMA groep and its labels. In addition, they see growth opportunities for the organization.

What are Castik's plans?

paraDIGMA groep has defined future plans together with the previous shareholder, these also remain in place with the new shareholder.

What does this mean for our organization?

For paraDIGMA groep this is a positive development and an opportunity to continue building healthy organizations and a sustainably employable Netherlands! The change of shareholder provides new growth and development opportunities. This means that we can further propagate our vision and support more and more organizations in the field of sustainable employability.

What does this mean for you?

For you and in the cooperation with paraDIGMA groep nothing else will change. Your point of contact and the vision, nature and quality of service remain the same. paraDIGMA groep continues with its mission to make all of the Netherlands sustainably employable. Castik endorses the importance of strong professionals who can make the difference for your organization.

What does it mean for labels?

The labels remain and the structure of an organization made up of several labels also remains unchanged. All roles in the management remain intact and nothing will change for employees. The new shareholder believes in the vision of paraDIGMA groep and is impressed by the way the organization is set up and applies this vision in occupational health care. They endorse that the label structure as it stands now was deliberately and carefully set up by paraDIGMA groep and that there is no reason to change it.

As of when does this go into effect?

Wednesday, March 27, 2024 was signed, this is subject to approval by the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa) and Authority Consumer & Market (ACM). After the formal approval, Castik will be the new shareholder and we will say goodbye to Mentha.


Come work for paraDIGMA groep and help us make a difference in the field of Sustainable Employability!


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