Is work (un)healthy?

In recent years, burnout and overworkedness has been a growing problem that is talked about more and more in the media. And absenteeism due to (work) stress-related complaints is also on the rise, according to TNO. In 2019, the cost of absenteeism reached 2.8 billion euros per year. We often look for the cause in high work pressure, stimuli from emails and apps in a 24/7 society. So is working unhealthy? Certainly not! In fact, working is healthy, if we do it the right way.

When we enjoy our work it can be very positive. Work then gives us a purpose, an identity, something we can develop further in, or if you're all right: a hobby. Simone Kolkman, Labor and Health Advisor at De Arbodienst and Petra van der Heijden, psychologist at PSION will discuss healthy working, recognizing signals and adjusting when necessary.

Recognize the signs of overload in time

That tension complaints are mainly the result of (too) hard work is a big misconception. PSION previously addressed this through this column. Psychologist Petra van der Heijden explains that work does not have to be the cause, but it can be the place where the effect is first seen. So how do you recognize the signs? And more importantly, how do you then deal with them? First, it is important to recognize signals such as muscle pain, poor sleep, irritability, going to work extra or wanting less work or seeking less contact with people. These are all examples of overuse symptoms. (Recognize) is one step, but after that it is important to do something about it.

Prevent absenteeism: how's work happiness?

The first step in preventing absenteeism is to take a moment to reflect on the (work) situation. What do you actually think about it? Do you (still) get energy from it, or do you notice that you no longer do your work with the same enthusiasm as a few years ago? Has your job happiness changed over the years or is it a sudden big change in the (work) situation that causes you to experience less happiness? Also talk about this with colleagues, friends and family, they can be a good sounding board when it comes to a change in your energy or attitude and behavior.

Engage in conversation with each other

In addition, it is very important to have a conversation if you discover that your job satisfaction has diminished. When you raise the alarm in time, there are often possibilities to adjust the interpretation of a function, so that you get more energy from it and are less drained. Sometimes you can also come to the conclusion that a certain job no longer suits you, then together we can look at the possibilities of another job with your own employer, or perhaps with another employer. Recognize the signs in your employee or suspect that the happiness at work is no longer the same? Then start the conversation. As an employer, you also benefit greatly from having these kinds of conversations with employees in good time and from helping to think about how to increase happiness at work. Even if this means you may have to say goodbye to someone. After all, as an employer, you have no use for an unmotivated employee who is heading for burnout and may end up absent from work for several months. So start a conversation and look together for possibilities to prevent absenteeism and increase happiness at work.

Want to know more?

Want to increase your job happiness? Then contact one of the labels of paraDIGMA groep for more information. The labels of paraDIGMA groep work closely together to provide you with optimal support and guidance for your sustainable employability issue.

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