More connection in the workplace, that's how you do it!

You're there every day. The workplace; a place of different people who see each other more often than each other's friends or partners. And yet we are less likely to share that things are not going so well. You hear it more often in the corridors: 'Anouk is at home with a burnout'. How can she suddenly find herself at home? If we recognize the signals in time and share the fact that things are not going so well, we can also change things in time. We live in a time where everyone seems happy. We share little to no setbacks. In our eyes, the feeling of being unhappy means we have failed. Logical, when we look around us and all we see is all the glory and confetti from others. How do you create connection?

Having a real conversation

We want more and more, better and better, higher and higher. We work harder and harder, just to do no less work than our colleagues do. There used to be no talk of stress complaints and certainly no talk of burnout complaints. The term flies around our ears and is simply an expression and explanation that employees, after a prolonged period, can no longer cope with the work pressure and/or stress, often in combination with a disturbed work-life balance. Personal, often learned, factors play a major role in the development of tension symptoms. Think of perfectionism, too-hard-to-work mentality, helplessness or excessive self-care. Every person needs to be seen, to be meaningful and to feel a connection with others. Therefore, ask sincerely how things are going and express your appreciation every once in a while. How hard is that?

Personal leadership

In essence, a pat on the back has more impact on employee than a promotion. Because it makes the employee feel like he or she really matters. Show genuine interest and talk to each other. This way you will find out what an employee can handle and what it takes. You can then make optimal use of the employee's potential. Ensuring that the employee feels important and can take responsibility gives self-confidence. Give space to learn. But keep a continuous dialogue with each other. Of course, fate is not in the hands of a manager. Personal leadership means making choices, taking control, believing in what you do and setting boundaries. At work and privately. We are convinced that a healthy organizational culture can help with this.

Dare to ask for help

Employees absent themselves faster when they experience a lower degree of personal leadership. paraDIGMA groep advises, stimulates and holds up a mirror to organizations. Do you want to work on personal leadership or do you have employees with psychological complaints? Our label PSION helps to have conversations and get to the core. Contact us directly on 088 032 2400.


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