Good intentions dashed? Fortunately, you still have 335 days left!

Meanwhile, we are already a month into 2020. For many employers, the start of the new year was the kickoff for the good intentions: increasing the visibility of management on the shop floor and paying more attention to vitality. And, of course, you also want to bring down the organization's absenteeism rate this year! How are the good intentions going so far?

Many good intentions perish....

A large proportion abandon their good intentions as soon as they fall through. Change remains difficult, especially when considering an organization's resolutions; for, where do you start? In addition, you may also encounter resistance to good intentions. For example, you may want your employees to live healthier and encourage quitting smoking. But are your employees really waiting for this? In other words, sustaining and following through on good intentions and changing behavior is not easy.

Therefore, we offer a few tips...

  1. Stay realistic. The reason resolutions often fail is because some are actually unrealistic or way too high.
  2. Make resolutions achievable and concrete. For example: this year I want to pay more attention to employee vitality, becomes: this year I want to gain insight into employee lifestyle and vitality needs.
  3. Translate your good intention into a concrete plan of action: how will you achieve your goal and who do you need to do so? And when will your goal really be achieved?
  4. Involve your employees, because ultimately your resolution affects the entire organization. For example, put together a team to work on a good intention this year.
  5. Keep track of progress. That way you know exactly where you stand in the race and what you still need to work on. Plus, positive progress provides motivation!

But no worries if a few die!

To be honest, at paraDIGMA groep we don't really believe in good intentions; rather ambitions and concrete goals! And these are certainly not tied to a specific period in the year. Because every day, every minute and every second is the moment to change course and take action. So if your resolutions fall through in February, just pick them up again until you reach your goal. After all, the road to success is never without obstacles....

So let's just let go of the idea of "good intentions by January 1," and take action when it matters. After all, you still have 335 days left!

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