Influence of decisiveness on personal leadership

5 meetings, 10 action items, 1 decision. Only sometimes that decision fails to materialize. What follows? More meetings and more action items with the hope that this time a decision will be made. Making decisions is not always fun, but it is necessary to take steps and set a course. Not only for the organization, but also for an employee, the level of decisiveness has a lot of influence. After all, it contributes to sustainable employability.

Influence of decisiveness on personal leadership

How decisive someone is, has a lot of influence on his or her personal leadership and thus on the degree of sustainable employability With decisiveness, someone also takes control in his or her life. Not only at work, but also in private life. A healthy organizational culture also contributes to how decisive a person is. When it comes down to it, there is a whole process prior to making choices; this is not always visible. An employee must feel the freedom to be able to make the choice, there must be honest feedback so that the right information is available to make the choice, and the employee must feel supported to be decisive.

How can you become decisive?

Decisiveness is seen as a competence, something you can teach yourself. Here are 5 tips and tricks to train your decision-making skills:

Start small

Like everything in life, everyone starts with baby steps. So does becoming decisive. Don't expect yourself, if you are indecisive now, to be able to make sweeping organizational choices overnight without being reassured about it. There are already many daily moments of choice where someone easily says, "you choose...". Use these moments to make the choice yourself. The risks are then manageable and the impact may be small, but it can already feel like quite a victory.

Collect information for a specific date

Information is needed to make the right decision, but too much information can be overwhelming. Also; when have you gathered enough information? What if more becomes known soon? Set an end date for gathering information and make a decision based on that knowledge. This also acts as a stick and also ensures that you can substantiate the choice.

On hope of blessing

There is not always enough information available; this can sometimes make a decision risky. A common choice then is to postpone the actual decision. Also a decision, but not the desired decision. The decision is then made on experience, gut feeling and feedback from others. Despite the risk, it is often nicer for employee to follow a decision, that to sit in the uncertainty of the not-yet-made decision.

From mistakes you learn

As just mentioned, making a decision is risky. No matter how well you have educated yourself, things can always go wrong. Fortunately, one learns from "doing it" and from making mistakes. And when no choice is made, perhaps nothing can go wrong, but then it can never go right. What is important is that there is trust from the organization that you are supported and that they stand behind you. Even if things don't go according to plan for a while.

More tips

More tips for future-proofing your organization or making your employees sustainably employable? Then visit the website for more information.


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