The impact of financial stress on sustainable employability

Stress over personal finances affects your employee's employability more than you might initially think. Financial concerns, like all private matters, affect your employee and his or her work. They bring with them a lot of stress. It can cause decreased productivity and ultimately lead to absenteeism from work. As an employer or HR, what can you do to reduce this financial stress?

Impact on sustainable employability

An employee's personal finances play a major role in sustainable employability. For example, a salary increase can make an employee feel extra appreciated and gives extra confidence. But financial stress due to debt, for example, actually reduces sustainable employability. Reduced productivity can lead to insecurities and ultimately to "I'm not sure of my job because I'm performing less" or "Maybe I'll get fired because I have debts. Questions such as "Can I afford to work less?" or "How do I combine care leave with my job?" can also cause a lot of stress.

The role of HR

As an HR professional, there is much you can do to alleviate these concerns. As an HR professional, you work hard to make everyone feel good at work, but when this issue is left unaddressed, it is a waste of effort. HR's role in an employee's financial health is not an obligation. After all, these are private matters. They do, however, as previously told, affect work. It is not that you as an HR professional should step into the role of the financial advisor. But providing assurances and answers to questions that the employee needs to go to work with peace of mind, or providing information that allows the employee to go to a professional and find out in a focused way what is going on. If you find that it really becomes a "far cry" to you, you can always bring in an outside party such as a budget coach for your employees. But as an HR professional, you can avoid many uncertainties.

Stay ahead of financial uncertainties

NiDi Corporate Training offers the Financially Vital Employees course: a practical training that focuses on implementing practical solutions. The starting point is a collaboration between employer and employee. The employee is responsible for his or her financial vitality; and the employer provides the support for the employee to gain financial insight into his or her situation.

Would you like to learn more about this or our other courses, training and sparring sessions? Then check out NiDi Bedrijfsopleidingen 's website for more information. This is how you keep your employees sustainably employable.


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