The answer to labor shortages: multilingual candidates

They are emerging: multilingual candidates, or also called: highly educated internationals who speak fluent English and are looking for a job in the Netherlands. Marjan Stoit, commercial manager at Undutchables - a recruitment agency specializing in multilingual candidates - knows all about it. In our latest Anders Denken Podcast, she talks about the many advantages these international candidates bring with them.

Marjan Stoit has worked at Undutchables for more than 24 years. There she is the point of contact for issues around diversity and inclusion, knowledge migrant policy, the 30 percent rule and employment permits.

The hunt for talent

The hunt for talent is on, as scarcity in the labor market is a fact. Where Dutch talent falls short, multilingual candidates offer solutions, Stoit knows. We offer companies a database of 60,000 international talents. There's bound to be a great match for your vacancy among them.' And that's not all, according to the commercial manager. 'Many studies show that a more diverse work group comes up with more innovative ideas and perspectives. A colleague with a different background offers that diversity.'

Want to know more about how Undutchables works? Listen to the Anders Denken Podcast!

Bears on the road

Afraid of a language barrier? 'Not necessary,' says Stoit. 'Most Dutch people speak a fair bit of English and all the Undutchables are learning Dutch, so are very keen to practice. Unfortunately, traditional organizations think they really need Dutch for a certain role anyway. This is often unjustified. Fortunately, our recruiters are trained in getting them to think a little more 'out of the box'. After all, these recruiters have experience with multilingual candidates in similar roles and therefore know exactly what works and what doesn't.'

Look beyond a resume

Stoit also likes to invite employers to look outside the box of a desirable resume. "More and more companies consider work experience and the profile the recruiter sketches of a candidate more important than the actual CV. And that's a good thing, otherwise I would never have found my niche. Because my training in Cultural Social Education has very little to do with my role as Commercial Manager.'

Cultural Differences

At Undutchables itself, 32 different nationalities work together. How is that in terms of culture (differences)? 'Simple,' says Stoit. 'The point is that one's own Organizational culture is central and that everyone feels welcome within that Organizational culture . Often people think you necessarily have to understand someone's culture to make them feel welcome. That's not true. When you create a culture where people work toward a common goal and are open to each other and each other's ideas, that's enough.'

Standing still is not an option

'So working Holland, don't stare blindly at Dutch talent,' says Stoit. 'Standing still is not an option. Move with the times of internationalization and make use of this international talent. That will not only make your company more inclusive, but also more successful.'

Want to know more about Undutchables? Listen to the Anders Denken Podcast!

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