The impact of strategic workforce planning on sustainable employability

Tightness in the labor market, aging, digitalization; topics that affect many organizations' workforce. Will you have enough employees in a while, or will the market shrink and then you have too many people? What is the effect on your organization and what does this mean for the sustainable employability of your employees? With the right strategic workforce planning, you can work ahead of developments the organization will face.

What is strategic workforce planning?

Strategic workforce planning is not a new technique or magical solution to attract new employees on an immediate basis. It is a way to predict future needs in the workforce. Not only external factors such as the labor market and supply and demand for products and services play a role here, but internal data in particular can be used to predict a lot: how many employees will be retiring soon? What is the turnover rate of the workforce and what are the expectations for the growth of the organization?

Impact of strategic workforce planning on sustainable employability

When an organization's workforce is in order, a strategic plan is ready and also updated in a timely manner as needed, it increases the sustainable employability of employees and the organization.

Preservation of knowledge

With aging, there is a high risk of knowledge being lost. By timely hiring new (and entry-level) employees who can learn from the older ones, there is assurance that knowledge will not be lost before the employee retires.


When there is a large outflow of employees, it can put additional pressure on those who remain behind. Sustained high workload can eventually cause additional absenteeism. Therefore, do not start recruiting only when someone leaves the organization, but anticipate the expectation of outflow now.

Do you predict that demand in the market is going to drop? Then make sure your employees have a new workplace in a timely manner. This not only provides security for the employees leaving the organization, but also that the employees who stay do not have to wait in suspense as to whether they will have to leave the organization at some point.

Do you predict that the organization will grow? Then start recruiting new employees early so that the workload remains as stable as possible. Also, new employees can be inducted before the rush begins.

Space for optimal performance

Workforce planning creates a stable work flow for current employees. This gives employees the space to develop themselves and work on their job happiness, productivity and engagement. On the other hand, it gives the employer the space to retain employees by becoming an attractive employer: do employees also get the space to develop themselves? Do you facilitate the employee in these developments? Does the reward system fit the organization and the employees? And do the fringe benefits offer what the employee wants? In this way, as an employer, you can support the employee in the career they have in mind so that they make better use of their qualities.

Invest in sustainable employability

Increase sustainable employability in your organization with paraDIGMA groep and all its labels. For more information about paraDIGMA groep and our labels, visit our website and contact us without obligation.


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