The impact of personal leadership on sustainable employability

Sustainably employable employees enjoy their work and have the energy to perform it (vitality), can handle the work physically and mentally (work capability), and are able to continue to do this work now and in the future (employability). But what if an employee can no longer do any of these things? Are you no longer going to your work full of energy? Is the work becoming physically or mentally too hard or not challenging enough? Then you can ask yourself whether the work still suits you. These questions involve personal leadership. But what exactly is personal leadership?

What is personal leadership?

At paraDIGMA groep , personal leadership is about a row of circumstances and the "grip" you have on them. To keep, have or get a grip on your life, it is important that you take responsibility for it. Does the work no longer suit you? Take the responsibility to change this. Do you want more depth in your work? Go after it yourself and discuss it. People who do not experience a grip on their lives are more likely to be absent than employees who do.

Importance of a healthy organizational culture

When you experience freedom in your job, do meaningful work and are appreciated, you will show personal leadership faster than in an organization where this is not a given. Being able to perform well not only requires an investment and initiative on the part of the employee, the employer must also be committed to this. Trust plays a big role in this.

Seeing absenteeism as an opportunity

When the absenteeism rate in an organization is high, as an employer it is good to consider whether this is acceptable. There are often reasons behind absenteeism other than just "being sick. Employees who have a lesser degree of personal leadership are more likely to absent themselves. We advise, stimulate, hold up a mirror and encourage organizations and employees to look at themselves, reflect and take steps. Steps towards more job satisfaction and engagement, less absenteeism and higher sustainable productivity.

paraDIGMA groep is your business partner in all areas of sustainable employability. Do you have questions about sustainable employability in your organization and do you want to work on personal leadership? Please contact us. We would like to help you further.


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